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ISO 22000:2018


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What is ISO 22000 Certification:

The ISO 22000 Certification is a globally recognized standard designed for any business in the entire food chain involvement as a producer of equipment, additives, cleaning agents or packaging material to ingredients. The certification ensures food safety at every link of the supply chain. The ISO 22000 was established in 2005 and it applies to the organization of all size.

This certification is dedicated to ensuring food safety covering the key components, whether it is system management, interactive communication or implementation of pre-requisite programs. The ISO 22000 is compatible with the ISO 9001 quality management system and dedicated to a comprehensive cost-effective food safety management system. To get into the major market, an organization needs to hold this certificate in order to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards.

Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification:

  • Having this certification means, the organization demonstrates an ongoing commitment to food safety.
  • It plays a crucial role to prove your integrity to the market.
  • ISO 22000 increases consumer confidence in your brand/product/service.
  • Since it avoids the cost of multiple audits, it saves not only time but cost as well.
  • For the continuous improvement in processes and performance to enhance the value of your business.
  • This certification is respected by the government, customers, food safety experts and business associates worldwide.
  • It scripts the amazing identity of your business at the forefront.
  • To build suppliers and stakeholders confidence in your hazards controls.
  • It introduces transparency to make sure that your organization is committed to raising accountability and responsibility.
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