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Investor Pitch


About This Service

The first obstacle that a person who intends to compete in the global market must overcome when starting up a business is to find investors ready to bet on their idea by guaranteeing sums of money capable of giving life to the project.

Naturally, investors, before making their savings available, claim to be informed about the technical, design, economic and financial characteristics of the business idea in order to evaluate the convenience of a possible investment. And, moreover, within the global market, the start-up is just one of the many other entrepreneurs trying to obtain financing: which means that only a very few and selected ideas will obtain the desired financing.

For these reasons, in order to convince investors that the idea is worth their time and their money, the start-up must design and implement, in the clearest and most persuasive way possible, what in the technical language is called a pitch deck.

The pitch is a short presentation, made up of several slides, of a business idea that allows the start-up company to describe their project to an investor. The goal of the business owner in this phase is to come up with a pitch that is as attractive and surprising as possible that will remain etched in the investors’ memories for as long as possible. The founder of the company must therefore create a presentation that keeps investors’ attention level high, stimulates their curiosity and pushes them to ask questions: an investor who asks numerous questions represents an investor interested in the business idea.

In fact, a further obstacle for a growing and future entrepreneur is represented by the fact that the attention threshold of the audience will decrease with the passing of the minutes, which means that a mediocre, or even boring pitch will end up reducing the few chances of success.

Basically, the pitch represents the business card of every startupper and it is for this reason that it is very important to dedicate time and resources to its realization.

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