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Govt. Tender Documentation


About This Service

Are you facing an issue while preparing Tender Documents to get the contract?

If you want to grow your business or wanted to enter in tender then you should always go with strategically approach.

Do you know most of the tenders are being rejected and these are the top most important facts:

  • Tenderer are Not Giving Priority to “TECHNICAL” Bid & only Focusing on “FINANCIAL” Bid
  • Tenderers are Not Maintaining Most of The Documentation to Showcase Their Credibility
  • Co. Profiles are not very attractive and Corporate Look to Get an Attraction by Issuing Authority/Govt.
  • Not Focusing on ISO Certification Value
  • No Policy Available
  • No SOP Available
  • No Legal Register Available
  • No Level 3 Documentation of Reports and Records
  • Feedback, Complaint Mechanism to Gain Trust
  • Not Presenting Co. Legal Documents in a Proper Way, Which Increase a Chance To Get Rejected
  • NotΒ Summarising ITR in Proper Way
  • Documents Validation with Seal, Sign, Date etc.
  • Not Aligning Documents in Sequential Way
  • And Many More Points To Show The Capability of Tenderer

These all documentation and Arrangement are Very Crucial and Playing a Very Vital Role to Get The TENDER.

If You Are The One, Who is Submitting any Tender, Then You Should Very Careful About Tender Documents.

Our Support:

  • These Tender Documents can be Prepared by Expert and We Have More Then 200+ Dedicated Documentation Team, Auditors, CA, Lawyers, Trainers etc. on a Pan India Level.
  • You Do Not Have to Worry, Whether You Are Applying Tender or You Are From Any Part Of India. Our Local State Team Will Help To Support on Your Tender Documents.
  • Also Tender Documents Preparation Available on a Fast Track Mode
  • Complete Documents Available Online
  • Documents Maintain Till 5 Years Without Any Additional Charges
  • Dedicated Project Manager Assigned For Your Co.
  • Multilevel Support