About This Service
C-TPAT Certificate:
Whenever you look for transportation, you might see a representation that a particular provider is C-TAPT certified. C-TPAT mainly stands for customs trader partner against terrorism.
A company becomes C-TPAT certified when it goes through proper training, established security protocols as well as demonstrates that it can strictly fulfil the procedures laid down by the United States Customs as well as Border Protection Group.Β Β C-TPAT certification is basically a supply chain security program that was introduced because of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, this certification is a voluntary program that is administered by U.S. Customs & Border Protection.Β Β This certification puts the responsibility on the companies to execute security best practices across the supply chain in order to ensure the safety of goods that are entering the country.
- You will have the opportunity to work with a specialist from CBP to classify and determine any security issues that take place in your supply chain. You will also get access to a library of training materials in order to ensure that everyone in your company strictly follows the security procedures.
- With the C-TPAT certificate, you can easily transport goods fast across the borders. It helps you to access the free as well as secure trade lanes at the borders with Canada and Mexico.
- In case, there is an event of natural disaster or terrorist attack then C-TPAT certified companies are first given the right to resume their business.
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Service frequently asked questions
Will i get genuine CTPAT certificate?
Yes, We are not entertaining fake certification bodies and we have a very strong process for cross-checking each and everything and binding legally.
Can i get CTPAT certificate in 2-4 days?